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COVID-19 ADDENDUM FUNDING guidelines & selection criteria

For the 2020-2021 funding year, we have added a COVID-19 Addendum. This additional funding has been allocated to HELP SUPPORT TEACHERS and students adapt to the unique circumstances and new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. Awards up to $800 are available to individual teachers to help with distance/remote learning and the transition period for the 2020-2021 school year. It is our goal to offer help and support to online classrooms in ways that the district cannot.  


The Hayward Education Foundation is now accepting applications for its second round of funding for the 2020-2021 HEF Classroom Projects Program  COVID-19 Addendum funding. Below please find guidelines, selection criteria and submittal instructions for the COVID-19 Addendum Funding, and the link to the online application.

Addendum OVERVIEW:


During this global pandemic, educators face new challenges this school year. As such, HEF has decided to allocate additional funding to support teachers in this time.


COVID-19 Addendum funding has been allocated to HELP SUPPORT TEACHERS and students adapt to the unique circumstances and new challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes distance/remote learning and the transition period for the 2020-2021 school year. It is our goal to offer help and support to online classrooms in ways that the district cannot.

The COVID-19 Addendum will not fund any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of any kind (masks, gloves, wipes, hand sanitizers, soaps, etc.) or Personal Electronic Devices (t
ablets, iPads, laptop or desktop computers) for the teachers use.

This additional funding cycle will offer assistance for up to a maximum of $800.00. Due to the funding limitations, COVID-10 requests may be fully or partially funded.


All applicants who are awarded an HEF COVID-19 Addendum Funding are required to return any unspent funds to HEF and also to provide a completed final report including photos before May 2021. The Final Report Guidelines can be found here. Please be sure to provide your initials acknowledging your understanding of these requirements and electronically sign your application once completed. Failure to return any unspent funds and to submit a final report including any photos may prevent you from receiving future funding.

ADDENDUM Application Process: 

Each application must have a completed budget. Applications without a completed budget will not be considered. You may download the template here Itemized Budget. You will need excel to fill out the form.




Applications will be reviewed and decided upon as they come in. If approved, awards will be paid via electronic payment within one week or via check. 



The Hayward Education Foundation (HEF) is looking for funding requests that focus on:

  • Addressing the social and emotional needs of educators, students, and students’ families;

  • Providing additional resources that can support distance learning and/or additional online subscriptions not provided by the district that can enhance and support distance/virtual learning and instruction;

  • Providing additional resources or tools that address students’ summer learning loss;

  • Preparing for the transition back to traditional schooling or adapting to continued virtual schooling;

  • Supporting students’ parents’/caregivers’ efforts to support their children’s learning (via virtual class instruction or additional enrichment activities not provided by the district); and

  • Are complete with a clear and concise budget including specific line items for proposed purchases.


HEF will NOT fund:

  • Late applications.

  • Handwritten applications.

  • Incomplete applications (PLEASE read the instructions carefully), i.e. Applications with incomplete narratives and/or applications with incomplete budgets or budgets that do not match the described program.

  • Items that the district/school can provide.

  • Personal Electronic Devices (tablets, iPads, laptop or desktop computers) for the teachers use.

  • Printer ink.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of any kind.

  • Applications that do not describe or provide a clear educational benefit.

  • Salaries or stipends.

  • Field Trips (transportation, passes, admission tickets, registration costs, chaperone fees)

  • Finger printing of any kind. 

  • Retroactive expenses or activities.

  •  Student snacks.

  • Clothing, e.g., t-shirts or sweatshirts.

  • Trophies, pins, certificates of achievement, etc.


addendum funding calendar: 

Application and Guidelines Available: tbd
Application Receipt Deadline: Applications are closed.
Committee Review: As the applications arrive
Distribution of Awards: As they are approved via electronic distribution 


Questions and More information:

If you have any questions:
CALL: (510) 862-3702

Check back for future application dates

Mail: P.O. Box 56444

          Hayward, CA 94544

© 2024 Hayward Education Foundation

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