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2017-18 classroom projects

Here is a summary of the projects that are being funded for the 2017-2018 school year. Project summaries and outcomes will be available after June 2018. Click here for a downloadable list of the funded grants.

Full STEAM Ahead

Audrey Stewart, East Avenue Elementary

Amount funded: $767.00

Hayward Education Association Kathy Crummey Award


This is a third grade and fifth grade buddy class year-long learning opportunity using hand-on education-based on NGSS. The concept for this project funding is to purchase activity kits based on the STEAM curriculum. The kits provide each child a fun setting full of discovery while they build projects in class. Previous classes have enjoyed building projects then sharing them at recess or at home at a very affordable costs per child. The benefits of leaning the NGSS: Physical Science, Engineering practices, and comparing multiple solutions within the scope of the buddy class makes learning an enjoyable and life-long experience.

Birds of a Feather Learn Together

Ali Orsi Davis, Longwood Elementary

Amount funded: $800.00


Did you know there are 10,000 species of birds? Last year I developed a unit around Barn Owls that included habitat studies and subsequent student presentations regarding the suitability for Barn Owl habitation based on potential food/danger/shelter/water sources. This led into conservation and caretaking as well. This year, I am hoping to expand the Owl and Bird Life Science Unit with Owl Pellets, a visual poster, and a bird identification matching game. With these visuals and hands-on dissections, I know students will be even more excited about delving into Life Science. Classroom goals include developing knowledge of and investigating life cycles and reproduction, animal adaptations, food webs, environmental conservation, & empathy and responsibility. The importance of art in science learning will also be incorporated. We will achieve these goals with close observation of duck eggs, class research on student-generated questions, study of current environmental events, careful regulation of animal husbandry, owl pellet dissections and inferences, and artfully-engineered STEAM bird presentations.

Park Performing Arts

Luis Mestas, Park Elementary School

Amount funded: $500.00


The Park Performing Arts program has been a volunteer project offered to 80+ registered students. The group is divided into three groups, coming on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 3-4:15 in which they receive training in classical ballet. I need to the right music to use for my students in a orderly fashion. In addition Copies of performances will be given to students and their parents. For the past three years I have offered dance classes and have maintained an open class policy to give the opportunity to as many students as I possibly can. Having a computer that can burn CDs and DVDs for the after school performing arts classes will help to have the proper music to teach students at the barre, and center floor, dance steps and choreography.

Hear and Be Heard

Sandra Jurado, Tyrrell Elementary School

Amount funded: $191.00


It is often difficult to hear students participate in the classroom especially the quiet reserved ones. The purpose of this project is to help increase student participation in the classroom. The Qball is a portable, throwable microphone ball made of soft durable foam. The Qball can be a useful and practical tool in the classroom that enables students to listen to and interact with each other. As part of our daily routine, I intend to use the Qball to elicit responses from students and to increase classroom participation. Thereby creating a classroom environment that is supportive, engaging, and one in which everyone has a voice. The goal of this project is to use the Qball to help increase student engagement in the classroom. It is intended to be used much like an old fashioned talking stick. Unlike the talking stick, the Qball not only gives the holder the right to talk, but also the power to be heard. 

Preserving Our Planet By Studying Pollution

Paul Garrison, Ruus Elementary School

Amount funded: $523.00

Hayward Rotary Award


Our classroom project will be to go through a month long investigation into the impact of pollution on our environment. This will always be an important scientific and social issue that the students will have to engage in as they get older. By studying the effects of pollution and analyzing their long-term effects on the planet, the can become informed and responsible citizens on the topic, and gain insight to make our planet better. The students will progressively learn about the various types of pollution, their effects, and what we can do to minimize their effects on the planet. By the end of the unit, students will have a better understanding of the effect of pollution on the planet, but also how they can make an impact to minimize pollution on the environment. The students activities will include: calculating how quickly trash fills a landfill; practice recycling and studying its impact; observe particle matter in the air and its implications; create a water filtration system and try to clean an oil spill; and test for alkalinity in water and observe the effects of acid rain on plants. All of these activities, materials, and assessments are provided by Delta Education with their science modules. These modules include everything needed for the activities, as well as printouts for recording results.

Biography Dolls and Masks

Clara Delsener, Stonebrae Elementary School

Amount funded: $310.00


ART IN EDUCATION is two enrichment activities that will be used in addition to student's research project on a famous person. They will research the person, write a report on them; and then create a doll version of their famous person. When completed the students will showcase the doll with their biography report to the fifth grade and fourth grade students. They will also showcase their work at the Open house and Art show. The final project is for them to create a mask of the famous person and pretend that they are that person by creating a script and perform that person in front of the class. 

Hygience for the Homeless 2017

JoDana Campbell, Cherryland Elementary School

Amount funded: $788.00

Hayward Ed Association Lou Hedgecock Award


Hygiene for the Homeless 2017 is a student-centered, grass-roots service-learning project completely chosen and directed by students in Room 37 at Cherryland Elementary School. It stemmed from their earnest desired to reach out to people in their community that is less fortunate than themselves. It connects students to members of their immediate community while making greater connections to the conditions of the recently homeless in Northern California. Hygiene for the Homeless 2017 empowers this 5th-grade class to become engaged, change agents and its overall goals are to instill the sense of empathy and activism.  Students will read (fiction and non-fiction text), watch documentaries, listen to community leaders, research and write (for an informational and persuasive purpose). They will be responsible for managing hygiene inventory and keeping track of character traits of the population served. They will learn about the importance of personal hygiene and be able to speak publicly about the need for continued support of those most vulnerable to disease due to lack of cleanliness.

Expressing Emotions Through Art & Writing

Cheryl Fobbs, Cherryland Elementary School

Amount funded: $500.00

Hayward Education Association Sue Rosso Award


Our first grade teaching team at Cherryland Elementary is working together to develop and implement a series of lessons that will focus on social and emotional needs of our students, with expression through art and writing . We will be using carefully chosen books to read aloud, each that will focus on a different social-emotional need. The students will then do art and writing projects to have the opportunity to express their individual feelings and work through productive ways to improve the way they feel.  This is definitely a sustainable project that I will be able to use in my classroom for at least 3 years. The art supplies will be carefully used and saved solely for this project only and I can use the books and writing lessons with my class for many years to come. 

Art and Science Presentations

Jacqueline Lafitte, Cherryland Elementary School

Amount funded: $720.00


Arts and Science Presentation Project will be for my 5th grade class this year. The Junior Center of Art and Science will send guest teachers for two sessions where students will investigate landscape painting from the point of view of two different traditions that address traditional and contemporary styles. In the lesson students will explore how artist communicate a sense of space and place, as well as gain an understanding of perspective, vantage point and depth. A guest teacher will also engage students in an interactive lesson on invertebrates. Students will meet a tarantula, hermit crab, and millipede and learn what makes each of them unique. Students will use magnifiers to observe patterns and structures of the animals. The lesson addresses several concepts such as adaptations, habitat, and diet.  UC Berkeley Botanical Garden's guest teacher will bring the wonder of plant evolution to the classroom. Through visual materials and an interactive "natural selection game", students see how changes in populations can occur over time, allowing them to adapt to a changing environment, a process called evolution. A guest teacher will also bring a collection of nutritious roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds for students to investigate. Students will touch, smell, and taste as they learn about healthy eating and the function of each plant part.

STEP "line Dance" Project

Chantaine Fauntleroy, Bret Harte Middle School

Amount funded: $688.00


I came up with the STEP "Line Dance" Project to promote more health, wellness, and physical activity in our physical education classes through a variety of dance movements. Over my experience of teaching 14 years I have found out that all cultures have their own type of music and dances including different movements. I want to use various types of music and dances of different cultures to build relationships with the students in my classes and at my school site. Students will have a dance final performance that will include various movements that they've practiced throughout the dance unit. Also, the IPad will be used to record the performances. I will set up a time for students to review the footage and we can all share positive critiques and give thoughtful feedback to better the students dance movements moving forward.  This project has sustainability in my class because of the nature of the project (music/dance). If given the opportunity to purchase all the items request we will have all of our equipment for years to come. Speaker can be used to dance and perform at rallies and other school activities, Lavalier microphone bodypack can be used to instruct at events which I can lead bigger groups in different line dances, and the iPad can be used continuous to play and store music we've already purchased.

Tutorial Support for AVID Students

Matthew Amaral, Mt. Eden High School

Amount funded: $650.00


Our AVID Program at Mt. Eden High School is Highly Certified and serves over 120 students. AVID's stated mission is: "To close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society." Here at Mt. Eden we recruit students "in the middle" as defined by AVID as being between a 2.0 and 3.5 GPA. Our focus is to give students the extra push needed to succeed in school, and we have been doing it well for over a decade. I was born and raised in Hayward, and I have been the AVID Coordinator for over ten years here at Mt. Eden High School. When I first began there was no program, now we have gotten 100% of our AVID seniors accepted into at least one college for the last 4 years running. This request is to support the most critical aspect of the AVID classroom, which is Tutorial. For Tutorial students get into alike study groups, led by a senior tutor, and engage in a rigorous process of Socratic questioning and peer evaluation to improve their understanding in subjects in which they struggle. We always need more large white boards on which students can participate in Tutorial. Tutorial is a sight to behold, and watching students engage in their learning in collaborative groups always impresses visitors who visit our site. Every year our AVID program grows, and we always have the same needs every year--large whiteboards. Students group themselves by subject around these boards in a horseshoe fashion. Then one by one they stand and present to the group a high level question from Costa's Levels of Questioning about the subject, and through Socratic Questioning they lead the presenter to the answer by referencing books and notes from the class. The senior tutor is the group leader, and we have 4-5 seniors per class to run the Tutorial groups. Because we have so many groups (Pre-Cal, Alg II, English, Foreign Language, Social Science, Science, etc.), we always need more boards in the AVID classroom.

Chopped: HEF (Health, Economics & Flavor) Season 1

Jill Barbosa, Hayward High School

Amount funded: $480.00

Hayward Education Association Kathy Crummey Award


Chopped: Health, Economics, & Flavor is a simple and savory way to get students to make healthy, economic, and flavorful choices. This project will be done in my 9th grade Health classes, as a culminating authentic assessment of students’ abilities to make healthy choices that will become life long habits. After having learned all that they need to know about nutrition, working in groups of 4-5, students will be challenged to plan, purchase, and prepare a healthy, delicious meal for 5 on a budget of $15. Each meal will be judged by a expert judges (such as administrators and other teachers). We will go on a walk to the local Safeway to purchase (using $15 gift cards from this grant) the food on a block day and the following day they will cook the food in what used to be our Home Economics room. Students will plan, prepare, and eat a healthy meal on a budget. Students will practice effective communication skills as they work as a team to implement practical, health-enhancing meal planning and preparation.

The Comic Book Project

Haley Walker, All Saints Catholic School

Amount Funded: $560.00


In this project students will have the opportunity to read graphic novels and comics. Study the elements of a Graphic novel and comic, and then write their own comic. The first part of this project is to bring graphic novels and comics into my student library so students have the opportunity to read them and explore the different art styles they uses and the different kinds of stories they tell.  I believe providing a more diverse collection of reading material will help my readers who struggle to find books they are interest in reading which will result in students reading more. According to the National Education Association the more readers read on their own for fun the higher their reading scores.  In the second part of this project we as a class will study the elements of graphic novels and comics, exploring how the author and illustrator uses the layout and panels, captions and speech bubbles to tell a story. These lessons would combine writing and art and give the students a new way they can tell a narrative story while also exploring the artistic elements of a comics illustrations. I will follow the lessons outlined in The Comic Book Project class kit to help students develop characters and stories, as well as working on lines, shapes and character expressions in their illustrations. Once I have the resources for this project, such as the graphic novels and the classroom comic book kit and lessons, I would be able to teach the project every year. As the classroom comic book kit includes the lessons to teach and students, and student examples, I would be able to uses them every year. Also any graphic novels would be kept in my student library so that they could be enjoyed year after year.

Grow! Grow! Grow!

Dorothy Lubin, Moreau Catholic High School

Amount funded: $800.00


This project and will be used in multiple life science classes, such as Biology, Honors Biology, AP Biology, and AP Environmental Science. Using the LED Habitat to grow and cultivate the Fast Plants will provide an effective and efficient environment to grow a varieties of Fast Plants that will be utilized in many science investigations. These investigations will range in complexity allowing lessons to be scaffold, resulting in the mastery of a variety of learning objectives.  NGSS Science and Engineering Practices will be incorporated into the varied investigations. Hands-on relevant investigations will allow students to be "scientists" as they develop and use model systems, plan and carry out investigations, analyze and interpret data, construct explanations, and engage in argument from evidence. The main goal for this project is to create learning environments and experiences that resemble what scientist do. Students will "be the Scientists" who learn relevant biological concepts through exploration, discovery, and inquiry. Research questions will be formulated by students, to answer real and authentic questions. Through these investigations students will connection biological concepts /content learned in school with real world issues and concerns that scientist research and study.

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Creating Signing Videos

Colette Aboudi, Fairview Elementary School

Amount Funded: $800.00


The $800 will partly fund a camera, and video equipment to make clips of the kids signing the vocabulary, and the sentences they work on so that it is shared with the parents. Our students, especially in the preschool program, are language delayed, this delay is imposed on them because their parents don't sign, and are reluctant to learn. We have offered sign language classes for parents here on sight, but the attendance has been poor 2% of parents attended. We found that the parents enjoy watching their kids on videos, I have been using my phone to send parents pictures, and short clips, but this has been very difficult using limited resources (teacher's pocket book).  The objective is to make videos, and send them to the parents so they can see how the new vocabs are signed, and what their students are capable of accomplishing if their primary language (ASL) is supported.

Social Emotional Learning Project

Amanda Lockwood, Cherryland Elementary School

Amount Funded: $500.00

Hayward Education Association Sue Rosso Award


For our Cycle of Inquiry work, the first grade team has decided to use visual arts integration to support our social emotional learning activities. We want to create an integrated learning experience for our students that connects, art, SEL, and writing. I need art materials and good first grade social emotional learning books that will get students excited about writing! We've been collaborating on project ideas, such as writing about a painting that responds to Peter Reynold's book "The Dot" and creating self-portraits that respond to Karen Katz's story, "The Colors of Us", which would then provide a writing prompt as well. My Materials list includes several books that I don't have yet in the classroom. The arts materials I will need are watercolors, oil pastels, tissue paper, good construction paper and watercolor paper. Our goal is to bring 75% of our class to grade level on their writing skills. We believe that arts integration and social-emotional learning can help us to do this, because it will improve student engagement and motivation, and help students feel emotionally safe and supported in the classroom. We work with many students who struggle with poverty and trauma, so writing skills are low and students bring many issues to the class every day that affect learning. Arts integration feels good (Our students love to paint and make things) and we want to use that sense of joy to inspire our students to write. It is so important that our students have access to quality art materials so that they can see the value in their work. The stories that I have chosen for my book list are fun, thoughtful and developmentally appropriate.

STEM in the Classroom Robotics Challenege

Rosemarie Dias, East Avenue Elementary School

Amount Funded: $800.00


Over the last several years, computer programming and robotics has become an essential K-12 curriculum component that fosters 21st century skills such as creativity, communication and collaboration while simultaneously increasing cognitive development in reasoning and mathematical concepts. Lego Mindstorms, a popular robotics kit used in school robotics programs, makes learning simple computer programming and engineering concepts fun, increases engagement among students, while simultaneously providing them with real world relevance. The goal of my project is to introduce and expose 4th to 6th grade students to computer programming and robotics using Lego Mindstorms. Lego Mindstorms is an educational robotic system that provides students with the ability to learn to design, program and control fully-functional robots that carry out life-like automated tasks. As a tool used in the real world, Lego Mindstorms kits teach and reinforce various physical science and technology concepts such as force, motion, measurement, energy, magnetism, and more, that provide fun and engaging hands-on experiences for students. It is the intent of this project to encourage students to think 'out of the box' as well as recognize the impact robotics can make, especially within medicine, space, transportation, safety, agriculture, the environment, and more.

Take-Home Lending Libraries

Kendra Capen, Park Elementary School

Amount Funded: $675.00


Students in my classroom frequently do not have access to books at home, either because they have instability at home, or do not have extra money for books. Additionally, the nearest public library is at least 2 miles away from the school.  This is unfortunate, because reading at home has many benefits for students, including increased exposure to vocabulary, reinforcement of concepts learned in the classroom and valuable family bonding time. This year I have been piloting a book lending program in my classroom in conjunction with my student's homework. Each week, students take home a bag with 6-8 books and return them with their completed homework the following week. The program has received terrific feedback from parents so far. After two months of implementation, all bags have been accounted for. Students are learning responsibility by returning the bags on time, and the consequences of forgetting (students do no receive another bag until they return the first one).  I would like funding to expand this program and make it more sustainable. Currently, books are sent home in foil freezer bags. I would like drawstring cloth backpacks that are more durable and close more securely. I would a few more high quality picture books to include in the sets. Currently the books include 2-3 high quality picture books and 3-4 very old (discarded) guided reading books. Additionally, I would like a few Spanish Language books to support families who are not fluent in English. Finally, I need to make sure the bags are all clearly marked. Iron on printer sheets will ensure that the bags can clearly be identified as belonging to the program. 

Public Service Announcements

George Kwong, Schafer Park Elementary School

Amount Funded: $533.00


This project is for students to prepare short videos about issues affecting our school, our environment, and our community. Their recordings using the Canon camera and the accessories such as tripods, microphone extension lines, card reader, etc. will be uploaded onto computer and/or laptops. At this point, they will edit and prepare their videos for broadcasting and sharing with other students and teachers at Schafer Park. Public Service Announcements are an important tool to build and heighten awareness of issues at the school, in our community, and regarding the environment. Before recording, students will have to select an issue to expound upon that is relevant. Students need to prepare storyboards, determine how and what will be recorded, determine the length of the video, have facts and research prepared to support their claim, and practice speaking in front of a camera. It is an engaging opportunity to make language arts, social studies, science, and math connect to the real-world and not just being read and studied from a book.  It meets the standards for persuasive writing as well.

Guided Reading Group Books

Jaye Clark, Longwood Elementary School

Amount Funded: $800.00


This project will help me begin to build a balanced literacy guided reading library for my students. I have a wide range of readers in my 2nd grade classroom, reading from Kindergarten level to a 4th grade level. Everyday, I meet with leveled guided reading groups to focus on their specific needs, such as work attack skills or monitoring for comprehension. For these groups it is essential to have books at the students reading level. I would like to purchase leveled books for my guided reading groups. I will receive 120 books! There will 10 titles of level D books, with 6 books for each title. There will be 10 titles of level F books with 6 books for each title. My goal is to have my students improve in their reading, in decoding, fluency, and comprehension. This will be achieved by having my students meet in guided reading groups with me at their reading level. This will also be achieved by having my students read books at their levels during their independent reading time. I will be able to use the books that I purchase for both purposes.

Butterfly Habitat

Nicole Heinson, Tyrrell Elementary School

Amount Funded: $75.00


For the butterfly science habitat, the goal is to literally expose the students to the life cycle of butterflies as well as metamorphosis. The benefit would be the students' understanding of this concept would become real because the life cycle is actually happening right in front of their eyes. The students will document their observations of each stage. Their observation log will serve as an evaluation and can be incorporated into my math and science lessons.

Mystery Science Needs Materials

Stephanie Klyce Hindman, Strobridge Elementary School

Amount Funded: $530.00


Hello, Mystery? Are you ready for fifth grade science because we are ready for you! The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are the new science standards that replaced the old ’98 science standards. NGSS was adopted by California in 2013 and reflect the major advances in science in the last two decades. Mystery Science is a new NGSS-aligned curriculum for K-5 elementary teachers that makes it easier than ever to teach hands-on NGSS science. Big problem!!!!! Although the science curriculum is free and access is available, we have no materials. I mean nothing. We have been scraping at the bottom of the bucket, asking begging, and pleading students and parents to bring in materials. This is difficult. What Fifth Grade Strobridge wants: Make Four Science Mystery Kits each for two fifth grade classrooms (Eight Kits). This way we would have the necessary materials to teach the science standards. Our goal is to make hands-on learning experiences available to all of our fifth grade students. We need basic materials to make this dream a reality. Too often teachers do not teach science. We want to change that. Students benefit from hands on learning. For example, if students are studying chemical changes of copper from salt and vinegar to observe a copper oxide reaction, students squeak in glee from shiny pennies. Learning is occurring in a positive climate with visible results. Education becomes alive. Additionally, students will incorporate measuring skills with accuracy, the five step scientific method (question, hypothesize, test hypothesis, analyze/ observe, and conclude). Students will improve writing by including sensorial details, math, and graphing skills.

NGSS 5E lessons for science

Mirna Bartl, Ochoa Middle School

Amount Funded: $788.00


With the NGSS arriving to our school, the science department is preparing to bring new and exciting topics of energy and waves to our 8th grade classrooms. In hopes to be able to provide students with hands on experiences of observing gases and understanding light waves, we would like to purchase power supply for spectrum discharge tubes, and some gas tubes to allow students to observe different lights and colors on the spectrum. We will incorporate engineering in this activity by having our students build simple spectroscopes from the materials we have in our labs. Along with teaching light, we will also be teaching energy transfer and motion. We plan to have students build roller coasters, and we are hoping to be able to show transfer of energy along the roller-coaster track and with using timer sensors, we will be able to measure speed and acceleration of the roller-coaster. This will allow students not only to see motion in action, but also to visualize it, as the data will be directly loaded on computer and presented in a graph format. This specific topic will encompass math and science curriculum, and allow our students to visualize motion, see it on graph and quantify speed by calculating average speed and acceleration from a single activity. After student have experienced observing regular light and gases, they will record the spectrum and compare it to the reference chart. To test students learning, they will indirectly observe sunlight, and they will create solar spectrum and compare it to an actual solar spectrum. Finally, students will be asked to identify the elements found in the sun, based on their experience with observing gases earlier in the lesson.  Students will show their understanding by being able to construct a working roller-coaster and present their speed and acceleration data in a graph format to match their roller-coaster design.

The Limitless Mind that Builds, Designs & Reasons

Vanessa Smith, Bret Harte Middle School

Amount Funded: $578.00

Hayward Rotary Award


My project is to turn an unlimited number of Bret Harte Students into inquisitive creators using 3D design technology. By giving students access to a 3D printer, turns them into thinkers, designers and builders. These are the kinds of disciplines that form the heart of higher education in the 21st century. Students will take their learned mathematical skills and design, prototype and bring their ideas to life. Students will start with an idea of how to adjust, change or influence the environment of the classroom and/or school. Students will then design, prototype and watch their ideas take shape and come to life. Each design will be displayed around school adapting to whatever environment the students choose to alter. The value of a 3D Printer goes further than most to help students integrate real world applications using STEM skills in every core content area. Students in the content area US History class will be able to integrate their learned math and technology skills to formulate 3D objects (using the printer and filament) and build 3D scenes that make projects more lifelike and visually engaging. Students will not just be presenting a specified topic but actually telling a story using not just a cardboard visual but hand held pieces of history. This is especially important to our ELL and SPED populations who need more real and hands on kinesthetic opportunities to engage in the subject matter and create sustainable learning opportunities. We are only touching the surface in developing the impact of our new course on Computer Science, Coding and Game Design. In this course our students will be able to scan the created 3D objects into their core content games to simulate life-like objects and teach concepts like measuring the area of a cube in a student created video game. The goal of this project is to build and strengthen learning that goes far beyond the classroom and develop college and career skills for future learning. Students will build skills for careers (and jobs) that have not been created yet. The impact of the 3D printer will have a tremendous effect on our classroom and school environment. We are involved in a lot of project-based learning, online collaborations and interactive presentations. The 3D printer allows students to create and project a strong visual image that they can change and or manipulate with their computers.

Water Filtration for Survival

Adriana Gilmete Taufui, Hayward High School

Amount Funded: $660.00


Living in an earthquake-prone area, we are susceptible to being in a hazardous situation. As living beings, we need to meet our basic needs, regardless of the conditions. Clean water is a necessity. I would like to provide my students with an engineering challenge to design a working water filtration system that could be used in the case of an emergency or natural disaster.  In this activity, students are challenged to design and build a water filtration device using commonly available materials -- following the same design process used by the engineers and scientists who developed the International Space Station Water Recovery System for NASA. To meet this challenge, students use an iterative process as they build, test and measure the performance of the filtration device, analyze the data collected, and use this information to work toward an improved filtration design.  Although students will work in teams of two to three, they are encouraged to think of their entire class as a single design team working cooperatively and learning from the efforts of all members in order to produce the best water filtration device. The goal of the project is two-fold. First I would like students to think about and use the Engineering Design Process. I would like students consider a real problem facing the world and develop possible solutions. I would like my students to see that simple materials, creative thinking and multiple revisions of a design can yield amazing, useful results.  Second, I would like my students to understand that clean, drinkable water is not a privilege for all. Clean water is often taken for granted. An event as short-lived as an earthquake can have devastating , long-lasting consequences to our water system.  In addition, students will be using the scientific method to hypothesize and predict. Students will also gain lab experience as they determine the purity of the water they have filtered through pH tests and conductivity tests. Students will then gather, interpret and communicate their data as the revise and redesign.

Building a Solar Power Vehicle

Yvonne White, Hayward High School

Amount Funded: $300.00


Electricity is an important part of modern life and one cannot think of a world without it. It is used from lighting rooms, working fans, and domestic appliances like electric stoves, air conditioning units, and more. My students are learning about electricity and how it is used as a form of energy to power motors and circuits. We will dissect a small motor to understand its parts and functions. Next, students will examine alternative forms of energy such as solar energy. Finally, students will learn how to solder a solar cell to a motor, then create a solar powered vehicle. Electricity is an important part of modern life and one cannot think of a world without it. It is used from lighting rooms, working fans, and domestic appliances like electric stoves, air conditioning units, and more. My students are learning about electricity and how it is used as a form of energy to power motors and circuits. We will dissect a small motor to understand its parts and functions. Next, students will examine alternative forms of energy such as solar energy. Finally, students will learn how to solder a solar cell to a motor, then create a solar powered vehicle. I have created a series of worksheets and labs that the students will complete. Each activity will expand my students’ knowledge of electricity, circuits, and the various forms energy. For example, we will examine the internal components of a motor, how to measure the voltage produced from a homemade battery using pennies and nickels, and how to read multimeter. Ultimately, the engineering of a solar powered vehicle will be the students final project to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter.

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